After pooling in over Rs 96,000 for their campaign on crowdfunding website Wishberry, organizers of indie gig series Control Alt Delete may have been short of their Rs 2,50,000 target, but the fourth edition of the gig series had it all – from new talent [garage blues rock act Bone Broke and electro act Laxmi Bomb] to bands from other cities playing their debut show in Mumbai [Kochi alt rock band Black Letters] and crowd favorites [punk rock band The Lightyears Explode, instrumental rock act Blackstratblues and alt metal band Goddess Gagged].
The gig also saw the launch of indie compilation CD Stupid Ditties: Lucky 7 [now up for free download] and The Lightyears Explode’s animated video for “Good Night.” The show drew to a close on a high with Goddess Gagged’s vocalist Siddharth Basrur getting back on stage for Blackstratblues to sing alt rock band Zero’s crowdmover “PSP 12””
Photos: Prashin Jagger
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